Thursday, April 28, 2011

Manfred Fink does it up right

This aria from Franz Lehar's 1929 operetta "Land of Smiles" sweeps me away every time I hear it.  I never grow tired of it.    There are few songs that combine plain, clear message with such breathtaking poetry.  I suppose it means I'm a completely hopeless romantic drawn in so easily by sappy texts.  Or it could mean that Lehar is on to something here, and that I might actually have decent taste in music.  I'll let you judge.  Recordings of the song are around in various incarnations performed by tenors of different nationalities.   For this post my first choice was Fritz Wunderlich, then tonight I found this performance by tenor Manfred Fink.  I adore the way Wunderlich sings this, but I really like how Fink's voice blossoms in the super high range.  If you're in love, your heart will melt.  If you're not, or if you're recently fallen out of love, the song might just make you bitter.  So caveat auditor.

Dein ist mein ganzes Herz!
Wo du nicht bist, kann ich nicht sein.
So, wie die Blume welkt,
wenn sie nicht küsst der Sonnenschein!
Dein ist mein schönstes Lied,
weil es allein aus der Liebe erblüht.
Sag mir noch einmal, mein einzig Lieb,
oh sag noch einmal mir:
Ich hab dich lieb!

Wohin ich immer gehe,
ich fühle deine Nähe.
Ich möchte deinen Atem trinken
und betend dir zu Füssen sinken,
dir, dir allein! Wie wunderbar
ist dein leuchtendes Haar!
Traumschön und sehnsuchtsbang
ist dein strahlender Blick.
Hör ich der Stimme Klang,
ist es so wie Musik.

Yours is my entire heart.  I can't be where you're not, like when a flower wilts if it's not kissed by the sunshine!  Yours is my most beautiful song, because it blossoms forth from love.  Just tell me once, my only love, just tell me once, I love you.  Wherever I go, I feel you're close.  I would like to drink your breath, and prayerfully fall to your feet, to you alone! How wonderful is your glowing hair!  Lovely as a dream and anxiously passionate is your beaming glance.  When I hear the sound of your voice, it's just like music.      

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